Endurance for the Journey, Featured, Relationships

A Burden Shared is a Burden Diminished

Bear one another burdens,
and in this way obey the law of Christ.

Cancer is a life-changing experience. It changes how we view ourselves, our future and our view of life itself. It changes our daily life – perhaps for a few years, perhaps for the rest of our life. It may change the kind of work we do and our recreational choices. And, as is true for all long-term trials, cancer changes our relationships.

Of all the discomfort, turmoil and uncertainty that accompany cancer, the struggle to deal with changing relationships often brings us the deepest pain. All too often it seems that just when we need people the most – just when our suffering becomes more than we can bear – people that we thought would be there for us, they scatter. This is why we started the ministry of Endurance.

Through our own experiences and the suffering we have witnessed in the lives of others, we have learned that WE NEED ONE ANOTHER. God never intended for us to go it alone. At the very beginning of the human race, God said, “It is not good for man to be alone,” so He made Eve.

Thousands of years have passed, but our need for one another hasn’t changed. We still need family and friends to help us bear life’s burdens. In the face of cancer, amputation, loss of a loved one, depression and any other kind of suffering, it can be a real struggle for both the person who is suffering and the family member or friend who comes alongside. If this has been your experience – you are not alone.

On the journey with you,
Jan & Dave Dravecky